Tuesday 2 September 2008

Decipering Of Telomerase Structure Opens Door To New Cancer, Aging Treatments

�Researchers at The Wistar Institute accept deciphered the structure of the dynamic region of telomerase, an enzyme that plays a major role in the development of nearly all human cancers. The landmark achievement opens the door to the creation of new, broadly speaking effective malignant neoplastic disease drugs, as well as anti-aging therapies.

Researchers have attempted for more than than a decade to find drugs that keep out down telomerase - widely considered the No. 1 target for the development of young cancer treatments - only have been hampered in large part by a lack of knowledge of the enzyme's structure.

The findings, published on-line August 31 in
Nature, should help researchers in their efforts to excogitation effective telomerase inhibitors, says Emmanuel Skordalakes, Ph.D., helper professor in Wistar's Gene Expression and Regulation Program, who light-emitting diode the study.

"Telomerase is an ideal mark for chemotherapy because it is participating in most all human tumors, simply inactive in most normal cells," Skordalakes says. "That means a drug that deactivates telomerase would likely work against all cancers, with few side effects."

The study elucidates the active region of telomerase and provides the first full-length view of the telomerase molecule's decisive protein constituent. It reveals surprising inside information, at the atomic grade, of the enzyme's configuration and how it works to reduplicate the ends of chromosomes - a process critical to both tumor development and the aging process.

Achieving immortality

In human race, telomerase adds multiple repeats of a short DNA sequence to the ends of chromosomes, known as telomeres, so preventing harm and the loss of genetic information during cubicle division.

When telomerase is torpid, telomeres contract each time a cubicle divides, leading eventually to genetic unstableness and cell death. By preserving chromosomes' integrity, telomerase allows cells to continue living and dividing. The enzyme is active in cells that multiply ofttimes, such as embryonic stem cells, but is switched off virtually entirely in normal adult cells to prevent the dangers of runaway cellular telephone proliferation.

Cancer cells, however, a great deal regain the ability to activate telomerase, which has been implicated in 90 percent of human tumors. The enzyme permits cells to replicate indefinitely and achieve the cellular "immortality" that is the trademark of cancer. Deactivating telomerase would stop tumor growth.

In addition to its role in cancer, telomerase holds significant implications for the development of therapies to combat ripening and other age-related diseases. Finding slipway to aerate telomerase under controlled conditions and admit some cells to commence dividing once again could final result in healthier, younger-looking tissue paper that lives longer.

An knotty enzyme

Telomerase is a composite structure made up of multiple protein domains and a debase of RNA, which contains the guide the enzyme uses to synthesize telomeres.

Last year, Skordalakes and his team solved the body structure of a key segment of the molecule - the alleged TRBD world, where RNA binding occurs. However, the complexity of telomerase has proved a roadblock to determining the enzyme's overall architecture - a destination pursued by researchers world for more than 15 years.

To do the necessary studies, scientists first must gather big quantities of the enzyme in a specific form. Because the complex structure of telomerase most likely allows it to change configuration, that process has been ambitious, Skordalakes says.

To find sufficient quantities of the enzyme for the study, Skordalakes and his team looked beyond commonly relied-on sources such as humans and yeast. By screening a wide variety of organisms, including phylum Protozoa and insects, they discovered that a gene from the red flour beetle could develop telomerase in copious amounts, and a stable form.

"That was very the breakthrough," Skordalakes says. "Once we found that the gene from this organism uttered the protein in the quantities we needed, we were able to proceed quickly."

The researchers used X-ray crystallography, a technique that analyzes the diffraction patterns of X-rays beamed at crystals of a mote, to determine the three-d structure of the enzyme's active region - the catalytic ingredient called telomerase reverse transcriptase protein, or TERT.

The study revealed surprising features, including the fact that the molecule's trey domains ar organized into a sinker shape, an unexpected constellation. Knowledge of the construction allowed the researchers to create a model of the enzyme's function.

"It's extremely exciting," Skordalakes says. "For the low time, we can see how telomerase assembles at the oddment of chromosomes to initiate telomere replication."

Looking ahead

Skordalakes plans to further study TERT and search for new telomerase inhibitors that could become cancer therapies. He also will look at modifying existing drugs. Previous attempts to target telomerase have fallen flat, just knowledge of the enzyme's structure will help researchers to settle the limitations of existing agents and make them more effective.

Skordalakes began his studies of telomerase when he joined The Wistar Institute in 2006 and established his first research laboratory. "I've constantly been interested in sympathy, on a molecular level, the function of protein nucleic acid assemblies and using that information in the handling of human disease," he says. "Telomerase, because of its important role in cancer and aging, was an obvious target for me."

He says though the process was frustrating at times, his team was determined to solve the structure. "It required a lot of perseverance and effort, just we genuinely wanted to do this," he says.

Wistar's Andrew J. Gillis and Anthony P. Schuller aided with the study.

The research was supported in part by the Commonwealth Universal Research Enhancement Program of the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Ellison Medical Foundation.

The Wistar Institute is an international leader in biomedical research with special expertness in genus Cancer research and vaccine development. Founded in 1892 as the number one independent nonprofit biomedical research institute in the area, Wistar has long held the honored Cancer Center designation from the National Cancer Institute. The Institute works actively to guarantee that inquiry advances impress from the laboratory to the clinic as promptly as possible. The Wistar Institute: Today's Discoveries -Tomorrow's Cures. On the Web at The Wistar Institute.

Source: Abbey J. Porter

The Wistar Institute

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